For the record, I and both my sons are on Qvar because it is the only drug I was able to get prescribed that I am comfortable with. The docs will often worry abiut growth because in oral forn it can delay growth (delay, not stunt), but it's not clear this happens with puffers. They may suggest an aerochanber to prevent the spray from getting stuck to the mouth were it can be absorbed and have a more systematic effect than in the lungs. The box will sugest drinking water after taking it.

I had confusion, visual wierdness and random pains on flovent. Felt like I was drunk for the better part of two years. That was fun. Apparently there really is a chemical reason why so many asthma meds can be psychotropic. Not that I can explain it. Ugh. Will have to look into that again.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!