At three, I'd say this is normal.

However-- in light of the fact that he's not really seeing novel things in the preschool setting, it wouldn't hurt to emphasize in an informal kind of way how much FUN it is to learn and try new things (and make mistakes at them). Exploration, experimentation, and just FUN.

Most kids learn that at preschool. ::shrug:: Your child needs to learn it somewhere, too. smile

I wish that I'd been a bit more assertive about encouraging FAILURE/mistakes as part of the exploratory process at that age (3-5yo). That window can close pretty fast for PG kiddos as they build a self-identity around "knowing" rather than "learning." If I could do it over again, I'd actively seek out activities without win/lose, right/wrong outcomes and do a LOT more of them with my DD.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.