Every child/parent like something else. Try to find something your child likes and the school will agree with. They may only go for the district approved curriculum, whatever that is.

Singapore Math is a full math curriculum. If you decide to go that way the workbooks are good enough and make sure that you get the Challenging Word Problems. You can check the placement tests to see which one to use. Your child may need help from a teacher on you.

I personally love Singapore Math, it reminds of the way I was taught math. We plan on using next year for hs. Right now we use it more for a reference and I have DS5 take a placement test every couple of months.

Zaccaro's book is not a curriculum, but a nice challenging math book. It covers different topics and has 4 levels of problems for each. I plan on using it together with Singapore math.

EPGY is an online program. It's quite expensive, but it's well liked and written for gt kids. The child can access it both from home and school. The child has his own tutor, whom he can e-mail questions and ask for help.

Aleks is an online program as well. It's much cheaper and you can take a placement test and try it for free. Again you can access it from anywhere. I think it starts at 3rd grade.
