I am not going for a grade skip ... they wont do it. And I don't want to skip second as I am anticipating him going to the magnet in third. If he skips second and goes directly to the magnet, it would be like a 2 year skip. I am not comfortable with that at this point. His reading, although well above grade level still lags far behind his math. He is in a multi-grade school (1/2, 3/4 5/6) so his class is first and second graders. He is in the top second grade reading group and at a guided reading level 'o'. He does enrichment reading (TAG block) with the second graders as well. He is with first graders for shared reading and spelling. I just can't get the school (district) to budge on math.

I would love for him to see more math challenge. I don't have the sub test breakdown yet (but I did see it at conferences).. he scored in the 250's for numbers/operation and algebra. He scored in the low 200's for geometry and measurement. He does have some gaps. Even these gaps are higher then first grade math.. even second grade math.

I am going to head out today to a teachers store in our area to see if I can find a book on geometry. Looking at the MAP resource site I have (Belle Plaine school district), it looks like he lacks exposure to the material.