What type of suggestions are you looking for? Are you happy with the list of accommodations that was developed? Are you looking for suggestions for accommodations?

Our ds has large spread in processing speed vs PRI/VCI. I'm curious how Lyme impacts the low scores for your ds in processing speed and working memory? I'm not really even sure what to ask re how it impacts them.... our ds' processing speed score is low due to a disability impacting his fine motor skills - so we know he will never be able to use handwriting efficiently. When we look at his achievement tests, any timed tests that depend on handwriting for an answer have noticably low scores - these are typically the tests labelled "fluency".

Then there's a second layer to that analysis - we know to expect lower scores on timed fluency tests if ds is using handwriting to answer (his are similar to your ds' fluency scores, btw). BUT then there is a question - is that *all* that's impacting the score, or is there more to why the scores are low? Has the material not been learned? If not, why - lack of exposure, or a challenge such as an LD that makes learning that skill difficult? In our ds' case, he's really good at understanding math concepts, so the only thing his low math fluency scores really mean are that he is slow at handwriting. His low writing fluency score, however, is related to an expressive language disorder in addition to slow handwriting. Having that level of detail helps decide what to ask for in accommodations and remediation.

Best wishes,
