Hi all. My daughter was identified as gifted in Kindergarten. She scored very well on the tests they gave, I believe Naglieri and Stanford.

From the day she began reading I noticed that she would omit words, add words, and had a hard time decoding unfamiliar words. I figured it was because she was just learning to read. Unfortunately the problem never went away. She's now in third grade and I believe its worse. After much research this summer I truly believe she is dyslexic. She displays so many of the characteristics that I'm kicking myself for not realizing it sooner.

I want the district to test her and I want it done soon! Unfortunately I'm getting some resistance because she is reading on grade level and making As and Bs in reading. Her teacher believes that she will not be taken seriously if she recommends testing for an on level, AB student. Her teacher is going to pursue it, but she said I will probably have to write a letter and throw a fit to get anywhere. I plan on writing the letter this weekend outlining all the symptoms I see and why I think it is important for her to be tested.

It's not fair that they won't help her (if they deny her testing). Even though she's reading on level I don't believe she's even close to the level she could/should be. I really want her to have this dyslexic label to give her an actual reason as to why she struggles.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to include in the letter? Does anyone know if the district has to test her if a parent requests it (we live in Texas)? Everything I've read seems to indicate that they don't have to honor a parent request. Thanks in advance!
