Also, they do seem to be on board with DS being gifted/twice exceptional. They will monitor him for gifted services and in the meantime said the teacher and I can work on ways to challenge DS. They did say that they would not be surprised if he ends up qualifying for their pull-out program when it starts. And also they said somehting like it's not just test scores we base it on - it's not just numbers we will have our gifted services person 'look' at him as well. (and, see, this is where a recording would come in handy b/c I can't remember what exactly was said and would love to be able to go back to this part of the convo and listen to it!) I was surprised by this -I guess I was expecting them to kind-of be a little skeptical about DS intelligence - his gifted side. But they "seem" to feel like I do that the vision, hypotonia and anxiety are supressing his already high IQ scores. They specifically said they are very impressed with his verbal skills and vocabularly... even his perfomance on the "tests" he's been given so far. That felt so good to hear.

Last edited by marytheres; 09/28/12 06:19 PM.