Hi everyone

I am a little confused at the moment and seeking your expert parent advice!

My son’s results from testing are below (SB5). Below this are my questions

Fluid reasoning 123 (confidence level 113-129)
Knowledge 128 (confidence level 118-134)
Quantitative Reasoning 105 (confidence level 97-113)
Visual-Spatial Processing 126 (confidence level 116-132)
Working Memory 94 (confidence level 87-103)

Nonverbal IQ 117 (confidence level 110-122)
Verbal IQ 117 (confidence level 110-122)

Gifted Composite Score 121

Questions –

1.I was told that he is gifted, but does this seem right to you? The score is a bit low from my perspective, isnt it. I was told that he was actually more likely to be highly gifted, but he got bored and had concentration difficulties during testing (he was 3 years 8 months at the time). His score may be 121, but he has probably all of the over excitabilities (especially emotional intensity issues!). He also has demonstrated pretty much all of the other signs of giftedness (e.g. needing little sleep, profound memory, and various sensory anomolies).

2.Do any of you have children with a similar profile? What strategies have you used for your son or daughter in regards to attention and concentration difficulties? I am looking at further assessments regarding possible ADHD or Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Does anyone have a child who is gifted with either of these diagnosis, and what interventions have you looked at (remember he is only 4).

Keen to hear back from everyone/anyone
