Is there a particular math achievement test that is more useful than others for determining above-level achievement and subsequent grade placement for math in elementary school? Our school administers STAR assessments. DS took a KABC test 1 1/2 years ago (we paid for it privately). I keep reading that the EXPLORE test is a good achievement test for above-level kids in 3rd grade and up. If my DS is in 2nd grade but took 2nd grade math last year while in 1st grade, is the EXPLORE a reasonable test for him to take this year? Any others, is the STAR just fine...?

For context, DS is currently in 2nd grade and has been subject accelerated in math by one grade for the last two years. The new principal is pushing back against him remaining subject accelerated - not specific to him, but as part of a new philosophy, I believe. We meet with DS's teacher, who was his 2nd grade math teacher last year, and the new principal tomorrow to discuss it. The one other family whose 2nd grader was subject accelerated in math for the last two years with DS will be at the meeting too.

We plan to ask the school to give DS a math achievement test to determine his math level right now, and then follow up with the Everyday Math curriculum-based proficiency test for 3rd grade to identify gaps. Both boys either need to go up to 3rd grade math to maintain their acceleration, or have curriculum compaction to finish the 3rd grade curriculum and move on to 4th grade, which is where I believe they both really should be based on what they were doing in K and 1st grade, and based on the KABC my DS took previously. Anything else to be aware of or experience to impart with achievement testing, subject acceleration, curriculum compaction?