Briefly, my daughter is 21 ADHD and Gifted, on her first of what are likely to be several years of being a senior in college, and struggling to find the right balance of work, classes and playing. She lives with roommates near campus, works on campus, and enjoys college life.

But she is constantly in the edge of out of control - not dealing with financial aid forms and issues, dropping classes and replacing with other classes that won't count towards her major (fine arts), and never reaches out for help until it is panic mode. She refuses to get accommodations for the ADHD, takes her Aderol sporadically (doesn't like how it inhibits creativity). She wasn't diagnosed ADHD until last year, although I've definitely seen it in her since she was little. But extreme participation in sports kept it in check so that she functioned quite well.

Any advice, been-there-done-thats, etc. for dealing with 2E barely adult children who still need help? The yoyoing of trying to give gentle reminders, provide a bit of a safety net to just wanting to wash my hands of the crazy-making is taking a bit of a toll.