Our youngest son, 7 in 2nd grade, is a particularly mathy HG/EG kid and we've started the discussion of math acceleration with our principal, although we're in a school district that doesn't like to subject accelerate. Today we met with the district's head of math curriculum and new head of K-12 gifted services to determine what opportunities exist. They recommended we start with 3hours/week of additional math instruction (by the gifted instructor, who has a math background) using the M3 - Mentoring Mathematical Minds as enrichment.

I'm curious if anyone here as experience with this curriculum, its use for enrichment, and what your opinion of it is. For a variety of reasons, I'm very comfortable with this as a first step for potential acceleration. There are several other kids DS is friends with who have also been identified as particularly mathy and the school started a math enrichment pullout for these kids last year. They suggested this new, deeper enrichment include some of these other kids, which appeals to me because I prefer an instructor-based program rather than computer-based instruction which would be more likely if he were to do this on his own.
