I have a similar problem. While my DS hasn't complained too much yet this year - the work coming home is FAR below him and I mean very far, both in math and in language arts. However, my DS also has issues - his writing/fine motor is delayed and his vision issues (his reading is not at all delayed - a bit advanced even, despite his vision issues but it's not like he is SO advanced there that he is much above grade level) and so I am not sure what is best. I am struggling with maybe it's good to have the easy work for him to gain confidence and not have anything to worry about while working on his vision therapy and OT. On the other hand - he is bored with the work and always says all of the stuff they teach he knows already frown and that it is all babyish. And I have to agree he's years beyond this work so far - in terms of the substance of it. I am wonderign how bad is it for him to be in this situation? And perhaps mayeb it will pick up soon?

Last edited by marytheres; 09/19/12 02:44 PM.