Our DS10 had quite a bit to say on this topic last week. I thought about writing it down for you all at the time, but didn�t. I�ll try to remember everything now.

He started by saying that he wished our school system was more like Germany�s. He was concerned that our country would not be economically competitive with other nations when he became an adult and is also worried about our national security vulnerabilities if his generation of students did not receive a comparable education.

He continued that K-4th grade was all review of things that kids learn before they start school with tiny little mini lessons here and there. He stated that 5th grade had more new information (in some subjects) but the difficulty was trying to decide whether the worksheets or tests required the �book� answer, the �teacher� answer or the (full) �correct� answer.

He stated that school teaches things in tiny little steps and that he would prefer to be given a challenge problem and make mistakes. He said that he could then learn what he did wrong and do it correctly the next time. (This is what he is doing with his new math tutor.)

Socially, he is far more interested in fitting in with the sixth grade boys than his own grade. He says that they think he is really quiet. During lunch with them (after math) he doesn�t want to say anything �wrong�. When they make a joke, he just laughs and nods.

I also have to say that the older kids have been far more accepting of him than his current class. I think they have made an effort to make him comfortable. They are kind children. Kudos to their parents and teacher!