Originally Posted by hinotes
I love this thread. I don't feel so alone. My husband always wants things "put away" and for me.. out of sight, out of mind. I live by lists. And yeah, those little stick tabs that you can put in books - my books are covered with them. I doodle like crazy, too, to remember certain pages.

My daughter is the same way, and my poor husband is doing his best to be patient with us. smile

Post-it notes ROCK!

Yup. This is me-me-me. I have almost-eidectic memory, but it's not really verbal. I can't do it at all with auditory information, which I recall in paraphrases.

But I can locate things spatially to an almost savant extent. As in, if I've been to a place (even in a large, unfamiliar city, for example)-- I can find it again. Period. Like a homing pigeon.

I can also recall information by 'filing' it in visual space. That is, to recall something I've read, I look for the location on the page where I remember it being. I never lose things unless someone else moves them.

My helpful and borderline OCD spouse does NOT comprehend this system, and has threatened to purchase a fly vest for me to have my "at-a-glace" organizational system where it doesn't offend him. blush

My dd is exactly the same way, and always has been. Even as a toddler, she could locate library books that she'd taken into her (cluttered) bedroom. If I were missing something, all I had to do was ask her. She was "The Finder." LOL.

This is, IMO, actually a pretty awesome skill. I don't know, since I've never lived with auditory recall, but the spatial variety is fabulous. I can also read maps and build them in my head from information-- I much, much MUCH prefer Google-Maps to GPS. My spouse is exactly the opposite.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.