I have a question about Khan Academy because, while everything will be great for this school year, I'm looking ahead to next school year. Clearly, I like to plan ahead, LOL!

Next year my DS will be in 5th grade but will be doing 6th grade math. One of the options would be for me to drive DS to the middle school at some point during the day for him to take his math class there. Another option would be something like EPGY, that he could do either at home or at school during math time.

But I'm wondering about Khan Academy. I know that there are a gazillion videos to watch on a gazillion different topics, and that the math ones specifically are arranged by topic. But is there a way to do an actual sequenced math program that would start out with basic 6th grade math skills and move in a laid-out order through all the 6th grade skills into 7th grade math? Are there just videos to watch or is there a section that provides problems to work on. In other words, can Khan be used as a self-directed curriculum?

Thanks for the help!

She thought she could, so she did.