Originally Posted by master of none
It's illegal in my state. If you homeschool, you are not eligible for any public school programs. And your primary educator must be your parent.

Here, the primary educator must be mom or dad, but that doesn't mean only. If I'm coordinating Junior's education, and teaching a couple of subjects, and essentially "hiring" the other teachers, I am the primary educator whether or not I specifically teach fractions or the perils of dangling participles. Our district allows for "dual enrollment", which we've taken advantage of for band, foreign languages, and some other things I can't reproduce easily on my own. At one point my son was treble-enrolled, between home, state virtual program, and the brick& mortal school down the street. It's kind of a surreal "If it's Tuesday this must be Spanish" manner of doing things, but it worked.

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."