I actually worked for a parent in a role very much like this when I was in college and I did love it! The way I got the job was the mom asked my advisor if there was a student in my department who'd be willing to work with her dd... and he suggested me - not sure if he suggested me because he thought I'd be good at it or because he knew I needed the money lol! But whatever the reason, it was a fun job and it was a good fit for a college kid's sometimes odd schedule.


ps - fwiw, my EG ds (who is now 12) is really *really* into science. When he was little, he used to love to watch Nova & Nature on PBS, and he also loved to read any books we just happened to leave laying around, so we kept a lot of books around! Even though school was drudgery, his love of science and natural curiosity held and now that he's older he's doing great in science and is taking advantage of opportunities to study way ahead of grade level on his own. Sooo... don't panic too much if early elementary is not ideal. Just try to keep plugging away with giving him opportunities to follow his passions outside of school.