This is an honest request for opinions, I have not decided one way or another what to believe on this issue.

Mom seems convinced that just about everything in the world is some giant conspiracy, I generally take her advice with a grain of salt to protect myself from becoming paranoid and neurotic (she sent me "the non-toxic baby" book and some other "horror of vaccines" book when I was pregnant).

Many of her wacko "theories" have gained credibility and general acceptance over time, so I don't totally discount what she says, I just don't have the time or energy to follow up with thorough research on everything so I generally take the advice that doesn't cost or inconvenience me - just in case she's right (i.e. choosing deodorant over anti-perspirant, not microwaving food etc).

You all are so good at looking at the different angles of an issue and picking it apart for science based vs BS studies, so I thought I would ask your opinions on this one:

Should we be opposing fluoridation of our water supply and or supporting research on the possible health consequences of ingesting fluoride?

This page lists a number of studies and concerns that seem to be alarming - especially reasons 20-26:

and this one says fluoride is a drug that has never been approved by the FDA:

I don't want top be paranoid on this but I haven't found anything positive on the studies that showed it to be healthy and safe in the first place.
