Sorry, I couldn't resist :-)

My DS, age 9, is a DYS. He has a strong profile in VCI, PRI and WMI, but very low processing speed, giving him a GAI of 148 and an FSIQ of 142. His achievement scores from the WIAT a few years ago, and ongoing achievement at school for NWEA MAP- all tend to be in the 98-99.9th percentile, across the board. Except writing.

Writing has always been the problem and we recently had him evaluated for dysgraphia because it was nagging me that something wasn't quite right. And this is our current conundrum- so I'm trying to piece it together and I'd love some feedback and help.

Ed.psych says not dysgraphia because he is not significantly and substantially impacted academically, when doing grade level work. However, his coding score has dropped from a 9 to a 6, leaving a PSI of 97. In comparison to working memory (141 but two years ago), that is a huge discrepancy.

She noted that he is low average on any fine motor test and below average on the visual motor integration tests (an 82 on the VMI test). According to her report, he is left eye dominant but right handed. After all the evals, she said "not right now" but maybe later.

This all feels so frustrating. I have a 9 year old 5th grader, taking two online classes that are several years accelerated and he's rocking both of them. Ask him to write a timed paragraph and you will get something that resembles a 2nd grader, with low vocab, shortened sentences and serious writing avoidance.

So... what now? We are currently homeschooling but the plan has been for him to return to school next year. I know for certain that he will suffer in any class that has required, graded notes, even if it's on grade level- ignoring that it wouldn't meet the academic needs that he has.