We had our first meeting with DGS 6 school yesterday. Just an informal one where we presented the letter requesting special services. It went well. We spoke with the principal and the special services coordinator. We go back tomorrow morning to finish the school paperwork and set a date for the IEP meeting.

I am not sure that the school is going to be able to do what needs to be done, especially since we are looking at very specialized psychotherapy for reactive attachment disorder, vision therapy for an oculomotor issue, and occupational therapy for sensory and fine motor skills. None of those issues can be addressed at the school, so we will likely need to take DGS out of school on a regular basis to attend weekly appointments. Our school has very strict attendance policies, although they said they can address those absences in a 504 or IEP plan.

Our pediatrician wants them to address his giftedness as well, but the school really wants to deal with the behavior and possible learning disabilities first, as they are not convinced we have accurate iq testing. Neither is the pediatrician, the tester, or the psychologist. So, I guess we will address these things one step at a time.

BTW, Pete Wright from Wrightslaw, will be doing a free seminar near me in December and I will be going. I will also get free copies of all three of his books, sponsored by our state disabilities advocate group. I will hopefully learn more and get empowered to deal with these challenges.

Any advice before we go into the IEP meeting (hopefully) next week?

Thanks for all the advice and support.
