I would really, really like a part-time preschool option for DS3inOct but can't find much close to home. Has anybody had any luck with Gymboree's school skills program? I like the schedule MWF for 3 hours a day, but I suspect it's going to be too much sit-here/do-this for my strong-willed, free-spirited little guy who hates repetition. I'm pregnant and could use the break, but I don't know how soon and how much to ask my little guy to conform. I can see the notes coming home from the teacher in my head already, especially about circle time, his nemesis. I'm not due till Feb, so part of me wants to wait until Jan because I feel like we might get a few months out of a so-so preschool just with the novelty of it all. But I hope to look around for more options this month.

What are everyone else's fall plans for preschool?

Last edited by Somerdai; 08/13/12 04:45 PM.