I�m not a teacher (have some experience as long-term special ed substitute teacher). I do have two gifted children although neither read at a 10th grade level at age 7.

My son read regular non-fiction books on his favorite subjects at that age, but did not pronounce some words correctly although I do believe he did understood most of what he read based on context. In any case, he definitely still needed to improve his reading ability and did so by reading 4th-6th grade level books including Harry Potter, Eragon and others in this same genre and reading level.

My only thought is to consider whether a 7 year old should read some fiction books intended for high school and up. I don�t see any problem with textbooks except possibly History and Social Studies books that discuss and display pictures of war, famine, ect. That sort of content can really cause nightmares with sensitive and gifted children. Of course the child�s parents should make that decision with your input.

My unprofessional opinion is that handwriting is a developmental skill and more closely correlated to age than reading is. I would separate them if possible.

I believe the Davidson Institute has a teacher�s forum similar to this. I hope you keep posting here also. We will most definitely have issues that you will be able to offer insightful advice. Good luck with finding and making accommodations for your student!