On recent testing, ds9 (ADHD) has been identified as having a learning disability in math (and writing). His processing speed and working memory were extremely low.

This was the first time he's been tested without ADHD meds, other than when he was given the Stanford Binet-V at age 5 (those scores were MUCH higher across the board).

In fact, a little over a year ago, he was tested using the same cognitive testing, and his scores were significantly higher (on meds), although areas of strength vs. weakness were opposite (compared to the current testing).

Who knows what to think. He's off all meds at this time due to significant side effects and adverse reactions. We've tried them all.

Anyway, my question is whether or not Rightstart Math might be a good curriculum for him in light of the identification of the math learning disability. If not, any other recommendations? Memorization of math facts has been difficult; worksheets/workbooks are torturous.

Thank you.