So DS6 is getting ready to start school again in a few weeks. He's at a charter STEM school and just finished K. He'll be going into 1st grade. In K he was moved up to 2nd grade for part of the year in both reading and math. We (both his parents and the school) are not exactly sure what to do with him this coming fall.

The school, at this point, wants to go ahead and start him off in the 1st grade classroom and then have him complete the NWEA MAP testing along with the 2nd graders in the fall to ssee where he is actually at, acheivement-wise. The school did put him in the classroom that we requested (his K teacher, who he loved, suggested this teacher) and have been willing to discuss various options but I have really felt this whole time that we have just been throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I am hopeful that the MAP tests will give us a little better idea where he is at and at least get us a starting point. Can anyone give me any info about the MAP tests? What they are like, etc... DS6 is generally much less apprehensive about things if he has some idea of what to expect ahead of time. Other questions that have popped through my mind are how long for results?, is there info available anywhere that shows what skills are required for particular score ranges?, and whether anyone has any ideas on how to best use these results to sdvocate for DS (obviously that will vary according to induvudual circumstance, but previous experiences are appreciated).

BTW- I am aware that a full evaluation by a private psychologist would be best but, due to current finances, that just isn't in the works right now.

Last edited by vwmommy; 08/08/12 08:38 AM.