My DD 3 soon to be four started PT when she was 6 months. It was me in the beginning asking for something as I knew something was not right. We worked with two PT's until she was about 16 months. It stopped working and I was having some issues with their over involvement in my parenting style and choices. I left them even though they would have encouraged more. Now we are in OT for sensory issues and the improvement has been tremendous. However, that was after a lot of shopping for OT's and turning three at least down. Not the right fit, did not feel right.. etc. I was beginning to think it was something about me. With this one, it was different. There is a click on a subliminal level. Maybe even on a sensory level. I can't really explain. I could not get my DD to swing. Two sessions later and she is a swinging fiend... There was a difference after the first initial evaluation session. Trust yourself...