
My son is having problems socially. Last year he was not invited to one birthday party. He has a reputation for being a naughty child, and is generally on average academically which his teachers say is an underachievement for him.

He is disruptive and makes funny sounds all the time like humming or tapping his foot.

The psych said he made noises like this when the tests were easy and stopped when the tests got harder.

VCI sub tests:
Similarities score 17
Vocab 17
Comprehension 15
PRI sub tests:
Block design 16
pic concepts 11 (psych said he was looking for complex answers and taking longer on this test and not answering the simple obvious answer and suggested this score was wrong)
Matrix reasoning 16
WMI sub tests:
Digit span 18
letter number sequence 15
arithmetic 13
PSI sub tests:
coding 9
symbol search 9 (these tests were administered last and he was getting bored. Again he was looking for complex answers and not giving the simple answers which were obvious.

The psych said he would need more testing to give an overall IQ score, and that it wd probable be a bit higher.

High IQ runs in my family, but so does mental illness. this could be linked to violent home life for my parent/aunts/uncles.

I'm worried abt my son.