I have identical twin boys who are just turning 6 at the end of next month. We have yet to officially test them (working on that this year) but I suspect they will fall near their older PG brother. However even being identical and academically ahead going into 1st grade, one is an extrovert and loved by all classmates and varying aged children and the other is an introvert and while he gets along with everyone is content to be alone in a social setting or attached to his brothers side. Neither are 2E and older brother while I believe he has touches of inattentiveADHD, hasn't been given a 2e diagnosis throughout his years testing in various places to see how he "ticks" so to speak. The twins were not premature though so they don't fall in a high risk category like the majority of multiples (they refused to come out on their own and had to be evicted at just about 39 weeks)