Wednesday, July 25, 2012
7:00 – 8:00 pm EST

First Steps: Starting a Parent Advocacy Group for Your School District
Mariam Willis, NAGC Parent Outreach Specialist

All gifted is local. In the U.S., education decisions occur mainly at the state and local level. Although certain programs (e.g., Title I schools, students with disabilities) are intertwined with federal policy, the vast majority of programs and services that students receive are determined by state laws and local policies and are funded through a combination of state and local funds.

Therefore, at its heart, advocacy and support for gifted children and their families is a grassroots effort, making parent advocacy groups the first step in improving gifted education across America. But how do you get started? More importantly, how do attract members and establish a proactive group culture? From determining your mission and goals to establishing a community network of motivated members, parents, educators, and administrators are invited to join for this FREE WOW that will provide resources to support you in establishing a parent advocacy group for your school district.