I'm also just starting this "gifted" journey. I have three kids- 6, 3, 20months. My oldest son was tested this past fall because he was what they described as "the good, old-fashioned, hyperactive kind". (A low dose of ritalin was being tossed around.) He seemed to have trouble listening, couldn't sit still, etc. He also learned everything very young and hit all his milestones at a very early age. All of his teachers have recognized that he's very bright. In preschool it was recommended we wait a couple of years for testing, which we did. He bypassed kindergarten because his academics were so strong, and attended first grade last year. His teacher said the information from testing couldn't hurt at that point, so we finally did it. It turned out that all of his behaviors could be attributed to the fact that he was profoundly gifted, and the psychologist (a specialist in GATE testing) didn't see any signs of any other exceptional behaviors. He's starting third grade in the fall. We also never "coached" in regards to learning. Our oldest just read a book one day.

Our second child (3-years) also seems to be very bright, but has no interest in anything academic-like. Our oldest was already reading simple chapter books by his age. If I try to read him a book about anything but cars or trains I get, "Mama, I like trains. Not this." LOL

My daughter (20months) seems to be similar in personality to my oldest son. She's very young, but we'll see what happens as she gets a little older.

They all have such different personalities, but my opinion is that they're all very bright. I've read in several places that siblings tend to be pretty close in IQ. I guess I'll find that out in the next few years. It sounds like you will, too!

Good luck with your boys! :-)