The neuropsych finally emailed the report for the testing we had done last month (

And after reviewing the report and the results and comparing them to his last test, I am completely befuddled. His scores are so much lower across the board. I don't know how that happens or whether the testing environment and the tester's lack of additional prodding on certain answers made that big of a difference. I've started the process to ask for a second opinion, but I'd love as many opinions here as you all might want to offer. Any insight you might have would be so valued.

VCI score 96 / percentile 39
PRI score 98 / percentile 45
WMI score 94 / percentile 34
PSI score 88 / percentile 21
FSIQ score 92 / percentile 30

Block Design 10
Similarities 11
Digit Span 09
Picture Concepts 10
Coding 07
Vocabulary 10
Letter-Number Sequencing 09
Matrix Reasoning 09
Comprehension 07
Symbol Search 09

Children's Color Trails Test
CCTT-1 standard score 58 / percentile < 01
CCTT-2 standard score 82 / percentile 12

Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test (standard score / percentile)
Immediate Memory Span 92 30
Level of Learning 84 14
Interference Trial 89 23
Immediate Recall 88 21
Delayed Recall 77 06

The neuropsych made the following comments worth noting: "He also presented with slow mental processing capabilities, and it took him over 20 minutes to complete 26 arithmetic items. Noteworthy in his presentation is that he had a tendency to overintellectualize things, especially on verbal tasks. This had the effect of lowering some of his scores, as he would offer overly-elaborated responses to questions that require a fairly simple or straightforward response, such as, "How are red and blue alike?" or "What is the definition of the word obey?"

The neuropsych kept the diagnosis of fine motor skills developmental disorder in place but provided no new diagnoses other than to say that he could not substantiate a diagnosis of ADHD.

Here are his original results from his testing through the school two years ago:
Original results (http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....ed_info_on_Dysgraphia_ske.html#Post83513)