My DD6 tends to become intensely interested in certain subjects. Now, it's cancer. She questions me over and over and over about cancer. She frequently starts crying as she questions me or starts discussions about cancer.

I've tried explaining that, first, many cancers are treatable, especially in children, and have alarming symptoms that indicate medical attention is needed. Second, I've tried explaining that many cancers are caused by environmental toxins like smoking or toxic-waste. I explained that her particular risk should be quite low because we're not around smokers and I carefully checked environmental quality in our move. Third, I've tried to explain that she can do many things to lessen her risk of cancer, such as eating lots of fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods and using sunscreen. None of this seems to lessen her anxiety.

She wants to study cancer. We home school, and I tend to let my children pursue their interests, though I wouldn't otherwise be having her study cancer. I was thinking of focusing on cell biology and trying to direct her more towards cellular biology and how cancer basically is cells growing out of control. I also was thinking of focusing on how certain toxins, like cigarette smoke or toxic waste, result in cancers.

Any suggestions? I would love to hear how other people have handled their little one's interest in such topics. How have you dealt with the anxiety? Any suggestions on how to approach the study of cancer? My hope is focusing on the cellular action and big, obvious causes, like smoking and toxic waste, will help lessen her anxiety while still satisfying her interest.

Thank you!