Originally Posted by ultramarina
I do not touch type--I have some horrible weird hunt and peck method that is sort of fast, but error-ridden. I type about 30 wpm, maybe (when we include fixing errors). Would this work for me?

It might increase your speed and accuracy a little, but Dvorak is really designed for touch-typing. The vowels are all on the home row on the left hand, and the most common consonants are on the home row on the right hand ("aoeuidhtns"), so your fingers travel a lot less when you touch type with it. I think it took me about a month of working on it for 0.5-1.5 hrs/day to be a reliable touch-typist, although I could sort-of type in it after a week. My speed was pretty comparable to yours, also using hunt-and-peck, when I started.

It depends on how much you type and how much time you're willing to devote to it. I was in graduate school doing a lot of programming when I switched, so the investment paid off very fast. You'd have to decide whether it's worth it to you.

Here's a set of stickers you could use so that you can see what you're doing with your regular keyboard. But you might actually be better off without them - I think that the discipline of not having them on my keyboard at all, so I had to remember if I was going to be able to type anything, was very helpful for actually getting it into muscle memory.