Wow - thanks for the great responses! This is definitely the forum when you want to get thought provoking responses to clarify your own thoughts.

I can see why it may be preferable to provide formal instruction. At the same time, I can also see why it is not completely necessary.

I am in the "I love semi-colons" camp although I would very seldom use it in the casual context of an internet discussion forum. To me, the use of semi-colons is often a question of precision and timing; sometimes you want a pause of a certain length.

The second language sub-thread is an interesting one. However, I msut say that it is entirely possible to "play it by ear" in a second language. I am bilingual and can personally attest to the possibility of being equally ignorant (as far as grammar) in two languages. However, I do recall being taught some grammar in various foreign language courses in junior high, high school and college, but I am not fluent in any of those languages. Since foreign language instructions in school were never particularly difficult, I can't quite imagine how much easier it would have been with prior grammar instruction in English.

Thanks for the references - I will check them out.