Welcome Isaiah09,

Just a few random thoughts here, fwiw.

At three, I wouldn't worry so much about finding other gifted peers, but I would look into his environment. If he's spending much of his time in his own world during the day at preschool, it could be that just changing out his preschool environment would make a difference in how he interacts at school. If you have any flexibility with finding a different preschool or even with changing out to a different teacher's "room" at the preschool he's at you might find being in a slightly different surrounding would bring out a more social side of his personality.

I also am not a parent who ever worried much about academics when my kiddos were little - instead I think that when our children are really young providing them with opportunities to experience life, investigate, create, etc are really valuable, and so much of that can be done at home by simply having fun with your child, reading, building, going to a park, going to a museum, just talking to them about their ideas, etc. Enjoy three smile And know that very few three year olds have really got the whole "socialization" thing down at that point in there lives smile

OTOH, if his teachers at preschool have mentioned concerns, then think it through, do you see the same issues in other surroundings etc.

Best wishes,
