My DS5 is a science kid. Among other things, he adores geography. He has a globe, world atlas, world / US puzzles, climate/weather books, detailed books about the U.S. States, continents, the earth and natural world - you name it!

It's pretty comical to watch him drag his globe (it's on a tall stand) around the house to where I am to show me a new discovery or ask a question. Today he became fascinated by Central America as he just learned about the needs of kids in El Salvidor at vacation Bible school.

He asked for "Top Secret Adventures" from Highlights for his birthday...which seems to be a "Where In The World is Carmen San Diego?" kind of feel from what I see (it's a monthly magazine type game). Anyone have this?

Any other fun (and cheaper) games about geography your kids have liked? I would love it to be board game / non-computer since I'm always struggling to limit his screen time as he LOVES educational computer games.