Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Therefore, the only end-run around that is to NOT take risks on truly novel pharmacology, because at least if you go with a known winner, you know that the payoff is much likelier to be there in the end. I give you "Xyzal."

Agreed; I am so fed up with hearing funders (VCs, Pharma, etc) announce that they won't fund something unless it's ready for Phase II. Argh.

Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Really remarkable innovation takes time, and is often serendipitous to begin with...and I find it horrifying to imagine that all of that is ending in my lifetime because of such short-sightedness.

The free-market theory is simply not a good model for everything. Yes, I'm well aware that this is an opinion.

It's my opinion too. Free markets work well some things, but there are times when basing things on profits just don't work well. Basic research is one of them.

Austin, kudos to you for convincing your employer to invest in talent and potential over criteria! How did you do it?