Hello to everyone!

I'm a mom of three kids, ages 6, 3, and 20months. My 6-year-old son was identified as "profoundly gifted" this past school year. We have little experience or knowledge of giftedness. He's our first child, so we never noticed anything unusual about his behavior. He's always been energetic, outgoing, engaging, and all-around a fantastic kid. He walked early, talked early, played with puzzles, read at the age of 3, but we just figured he was doing things early. I guess we never really gave it much thought. He was doing everything early, he got along with all ages of children and adults, so we didn't have anything to worry about.

Then, he started preschool. He was already reading, it didn't take him long to learn how to write, and his teachers just didn't know what to do about him talking incessantly, running around like crazy, etc. (Did I mention he's energetic?) His preschool teachers recommended that he forego kindergarten and go straight into first grade, which we did. We informed his teacher that he never attended kindergarten, and to please let us know if he should fall back into that class of children. At our first parent's meeting in October, not only did she say first grade was fine for him, he'd mastered the curriculum. She started him on the second grade curriculum. By the end of the school year, she recommended that he skip second grade and move onto third grade in the fall. She didn't see any other way of meeting his needs academically.

So, he's going to third grade in September, upon the recommendation of his teacher, principal and district psychologist. We've looked into CTY (which his principal recommended to us), he's attending SIG starting tomorrow, and we're trying to get things together for him to join DYS. He just lost his first tooth, for goodness' sake!

Any advice, information, knowledge, a good kick in the pants...they'd all be very appreciated.

Thanks to anyone/everyone! I love reading all the posts on this forum. It's helpful to know there are others out there dealing with what appears to be the daunting task of meeting a profoundly gifted child's needs.

(If I've done something wrong I apologize. I've never posted on a forum like this before. I have no idea what I'm doing!)