DD is naturally artistic, with a real flair and "eye." She is not necessarily the MOST technically gifted, but is pretty good there as well (and has not had any training). She has not been drawing very much over the past year, and when she does it's often been the stuff her friends are into, usually "fashion girl" type of stuff; kind of derivative. She's had phases like this before, so I didn't think much of it. However, this morning she pulled me aside and explained with heartbreaking clarity that she can no longer draw "like a kid"--that is, with the freedom that come from not caring whether your pictures look realistic and accurate. She pointed to an old favorite drawing of hers that we have up on the wall (from when she was 5 or 6) and said "I can't draw like that anymore." And it's true--she can't, or doesn't. It's not so much that she is feeling perfectionist as that she recognizes that her work lacks the wild verve that you see in a young child's work and is now more workmanlike and less free. I am sure you know what I mean--there is a shift you see in kids' art when it starts trying to look more "adult" and stops having that gorgeous innocent child quality.

She was really sad about it. I suggested several things--that she try working on more abstract pieces, that she spend more time looking at art that has all kinds of different looks and/or that is not "realistic" so that she sees the many possibilities for art, that she try drawing lefthanded or with her eyes closed, or that she draw random shapes and then turn them into things. I think a good art teacher could also help, but art isn't a strength at her current school. I am NOT artistic myself.

Thoughts or help? This is a genuine gift of hers. It's sad to see her backing away.