For months now our family has been fretting over the early K decision. I have posted about sensory issues, enrichment, handwriting, discipline, etc. all relating to him going to K after a bad preschool experience. We have a meeting next week the teacher and our OT.

Today I went to observe the K class and had a short chat with the teacher. I am now really optimistic. First, there are only going to be eight kids in his class. One of the eight was there today and seemed to be working on a first grade level. Plus, my son played really well with him at a birthday party recently. She also brought up the idea of doing enrichment in his areas of interest.
Most surprising was her interest in keyboarding. She was thinking a computer set up with a program that taught keyboarding might be a nice addition to the classroom, especially for the students who struggle with handwriting. She wasn't sure what to get so if anyone has any suggestions, I will pass them on.

It was nice too because several of the aides saw me and came up to say they were happy my son was coming back to their school because they missed him.

It is nice to feel hopeful for a change!