Actually I was just thinking about this for looking for books for DD8 because it is hard to find books at the 'right level' that aren't inappropriate (Twilight??). DD8 picked up the Hunger Games that DH had bought to read for himself and ended up reading all three books very quickly--but does not seem at all disturbed and has not had nightmares or recurring anxiety (about that--although she has been having daily crises about random stuff, like today 'will I be able to get into a good college'?). So recently we were in an airport and out of books so I let her get the Zombie Survival Guide--which of course discusses all manner of how one disposes of zombies, etc.--again, no issues. But I agree that I would not want her to read something 'serious' (i.e., thoughtful, rather than cartoonish or clearly science fiction/unrealistic) about assault unless she were around to discuss it afterwards.

Re keeping the news and radio off, LOL--I was just in the checkout line at the grocery store with DD and all the tabloids were right there at kid eye level--"Climax, climax, climax" (on Cosmopolitan) and Hot Bodies of the Stars were some of the headlines. How are you going to avoid that???? Fortunately even though she was looking at them the whole time we were checking out, no questions....

Last edited by Dbat; 07/06/12 01:28 PM.