DD10 understands that she is dyslexic and that spelling is one of her challenges. In the family, we have grown used to phonetically correct but technically incorrect spelling. We've talked about other family members who are successful adults who have had to face the same challenges. Her teacher this year was very supportive and DD actually made some progress in her spelling by studying patterns and self-correcting her initial attempt at a word.

DD had a play date the other day. They decided to make up their own version of charades. They wrote down different ideas for different categories. DD's lack of spelling ability was evident. One kid asked her how she could be in GT and not be able to spell. Dd responded that spelling isn't her strength but that she is good at other stuff. I thought that she handled it well.

After the kid left, DD burst into tears. She said that no one will ever look at her ideas if she couldn't spell and that people only look at her mistakes. She said that people discount her ideas because her spelling makes them think that she doesn't know what she is doing. I tried to reassure her and tell her that we'll keep working on her strengths and weaknesses. I don't feel that I responded to the core of her concerns.

Has anyone else had to deal with this question? What would you have said?

Last edited by knute974; 07/06/12 07:57 AM. Reason: typo