Yes-- I did remember that. The blackface scene in particular stuck with me all these years, the idea was so repugnant to me even at seven. frown

The other thing to note about the Little House books is that there is definitely corporal punishment in them-- of a nature and magnitude that modern kids (or parents!) may find downright shocking.

I should probably have mentioned that until DD was about ten years old, we vetted all of her reading material because of her dramatic asynchrony and because of her penchant for reading materials published prior to 1980. I really encourage parents of gifted children to do that if we can possibly manage it.

It's only been in the six to twelve months that I don't vet reading material for her at all, and she's just turned 13. She's also never been particularly emotionally OE/sensitive, I'd say, so I've allowed her to read material that other children (even gifted children) probably should NOT read at similar ages.

I can only recall restricting a few books, and those for (as alex'smom also notes) quite specific reasons that relate to my DD particularly. A Taste of Blackberries was one of those books. Otherwise a good book, but not one that I needed my five year old reading. She read it when she was about 11 and it was still pretty overwhelming.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.