Hi SpeedofMom,
no need to apologize for a long post...have you seen some of ours (lol)?

I'd 2nd the red dye idea (this junk takes over my DD's brain it's awful) but also along that idea too, what types of soaps/hand sanitizers/household cleaning stuff do you use?

My DD hasn't had any of those types of behaviors at home, but this year when she came out of school she constantly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand over and over. She smells like chemicals. I suspect it's sensitivity to the clorox/lysol wipes stuff they use in school. I made sure she took a shower or a bath as soon as we got home and changed her clothes and within the hour she stopped. So I don't know if it's anxiety or the chemicals or a combination.

We'll be looking into the allergy/chemical sensitivity thing a bit more this summer with a naturopathic doctor because our "regular" peds don't have much to say about it. Avoidance is best of course but it's a big, chemically world out there.