Originally Posted by g2mom
just because you have an overall average IQ doesnt mean all the scores are average. my child has a high average fullscale IQ, but some of the subtests are 3 standard deviations from the mean. which puts them at or above the 99%tile.
could you be twice exceptional and have some spikes in those scores. did your tester give you all the subtest scores or just an overview?
It is totally normal to hide ones intellect in an environment that does not value it. just because you have memory issues does not mean you are not smart and do not have something to contribute. be persistent. you will find your niche.
also have you looked into working on your memory? perhaps now that you know it is an area of weakness you could develop it.
I like what g2mom says. If you post your scores here (anonymously of course) we'll help you figure out where your strengths and weaknesses are, (according to the report anyway) and which one can be fixed and how to work around the ones that can't.

Keep reading, and keep looking for friends who accept your strengths and value you for them! I always felt like I was 'dumber' than my friends. It took me a long time to realize I was comparing 'my insides' to 'their outsides!'

Smiling at you,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com