Tinymoonbeams... I am not sure I can tell you what all the different ways a child with Sensory Processing issues can look like. This website seems to have a lot of information www.sensory-processing-disorder.com/

My little one has had mild issues from very early on and has had numerous diagnosis. This diagnosis explains a lot. The biggest red flag for me was her lack of drive and motivation to pursue physical developmental milestones. She had very little motivation to learn to crawl, walk or furniture cruise. It was more like she stumbled on these skills rather than pursued them herself. In regards to physical endeavors she approached them very lethargically. When she goes to put her hands on the ground she is very tentative and usually uses the tips of her fingers. She hates dirty hands. When she was younger and eating with her hands we had to wash them many times during a meal. This one is going to sound a bit strange... We say that she has a very discerning pallette since I do not like the label picky eater. Her diet is quite limited and she will lose weight rather than eat. One dx she had for quite a while when young was failure to thrive. Anyways the more she walks around outside on different materials barefooted the more variety of foods she will eat. So those are a few things... Ohh and until we started OT she would not swing. She is now swinging!!! good luck!