Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Is the person who said this to you someone you can have a chat to another time and say, "you know, I had really mixed feelings about what you said last time, because she's great but I worry about how she'll fit in as she grows up - should I already be concerned?"
I don't really feel much need for further conversation with the teacher about it, but I will definitely keep my antennae up.

I don't really have any immediate worries that she's heading towards major shunning or anything. It's more like, you were pretty sure you were raising a baby goat on a lamb farm, but when you see those horn buds popping through you think "oh boy, here we go."

Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Do you have a school plan you're happy with, or is that still open or a worry?

There's a small private school that I like a lot, and I'm still considering the option of homeschooling. Hanni has another year at this preschool, which I'm very glad of.