My verbally gifted twice-exceptional son could read his Alice in Wonderland script (5th grade level) before he turned 5 and started kindergarten but there were spaces between the lines on his script so it made it easier for him to read. It was the same with song lyrics. If he read anything with small print he would only read a sentence or two and his eyes would be too tired to continue but I could spell out the words in the next few sentences and he could name the words. When he had just turned 7 he read a paragraph from a Newsweek magazine for the developmental optometrist but he lost his place when he didn't keep his finger underneath the words. Vision therapy helped. His early reading ability was rare where I live. His comprehension was always very good and he picked up new vocabulary easily and liked to use it in his speech. I talked to several teachers and they had never seen another kid like him. We were told by the principal and some teachers that I asked for advice that we needed to homeschool him.