My son is 7yrs he will be 8 in Sept. He doesn't have any accommodations yet. He has coped pretty well so far without. He is on meds for his ADHD. The dysgraphia his teacher last year was just really easy on him. As long as she knew what he meant she let him be. He will be in second grade next year and still writes like he is in kindergarten. He reading is at a 4th grade level.

His verbal scores seem very low to me. I was in shock when we got the results. I have been told by a doc I work with it may indicate even another LD. According to the scoring protocol for the test they can not determine a FSIQ or GAI because there is more than a 23 point difference between the VCI and PRI. Ye the average scores I was talking about were the 2 subtests on the WISC IV test.

I emailed the head of the gifted program, the principle of the school, one of the gifted teachers I know, the psychologist that administered the test, and the woman who is the head of his age group. The principle and the last woman finally got back to me today.

I think I must have scare the living snot out of them because I couldn't get rid of them today. They were all very apologetic and seem to be (fingers crossed) trying to rectify the situation. I told the lady she brought out my "Mama Bear". You don't mess with my child without consequences. lol Right now I think I am more concerned that he may have another issue I didn't know about. frown