ok, so this is the first time I have reached out for advice. I live in Florida where the gifted programs do not start, so I've been told, until 3rd grade, I finally was able to get the school to test my 8.5yr old daughter, who has always shown a majority of the gifted characteristics, and I would say at least a level 3 if not 4 on the Ruf level of giftedness, she spoke full sentences before one, knew ABC's by 18months, has NEVER stopped talking, no answer is ever enough to any question. Even her teachers' checklist was at 72% which I felt was pretty good for a teacher who did not enjoy my child this year. The school finally tested her using the RIAS (Reynolds) iq test and her scores were not even close to what I had thought they would be. Since giftedness runs in my family, I felt I knew what to look for, not so sure now. I have read that a large descrepency between verbal, hers was (96) and non-verbal, hers (108)this may indicate a LD. I myself am 2E, 132 IQ with mild dyslexia. Could this have supressed her scores? I tried to ask at the meeting but was abruptly cut off by the District LEA representative and told they did not see anything that would indicate a LD, then when it was advised that my daughter was already in a tier two RTI (yes, I have the underachieving, bored, behavioral issues gifted child..or not so gifted? ) the School Psychologist seemed surprised and said "oh I didn't know that", like she would have did things differently or it somehow changed things, and again the discussion was ended by the LEA representative. I just don't know if I should accept it as it is or get private testing done using a different test, perferrably one with more subtests. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

oh.... and they ruled out ADHD which was what I was told initially was her problem. She was top of her classes until this year where it was like she bottomed out. Gets 100%'s on parts of her tests and 30%'s on others, like she just gave up.