We have been busy getting ds9 tested after the persona that administered his WISCand WIAT suggested LD based on scatter. Never in a million years did I think there would be an issue with reading- he is a PROLIFIC- Obsessive reader BUT..... Now I have learned that he has reading ineffeciencies- low phonemic awareness( he was a spontaneous sight reader and that is not surprising) and he is a really bad speller- no consistency. She said in the report dyslexic but most school administrators would have a hard time identifying his as Dyslexic because he is so advanced in reading( maxed out the comprehension at 90%- at grade 12.9 but had to reread many times to get there). Dysgraphia and the big one- Severe CAPD. What do I do now? What has worked for your kids?
We have an appt to check hearing with and audiologist- to make sure hearing is ok. An appt set up with the Callier center to get more info on CAPD. I also found a therapeutic ophthalmologist to check the inefficiencies- also check hyperlexia.
Remember my son has PANDAS, SPD and for the past few years before we identified it- this and his health was the main concern. I feel like I have been hit in the stomach AGAIN!!! Why does this bright little boy have so much to overcome?????